Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Though we are not on the road, this week, to any church or meeting, it seems as though we are constantly on the move.  We have successfully mailed several more packets today, outlining our ministry, and hopefully will be able to schedule more meetings to share about this amazing work that the Lord is taking our family into.

So between working 60 hours a week at Piazza (Amy homeschooling the boys), ministry at the Church, and Deputation, please pray that God will help us maintain balance between family and work.  We are striving to be good spouses and parents in the midst of challenging schedules.  Pray that God keeps us Faithful to Him, as we continue down the road of ministry.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Moving along

Thank you for being patient with us as we start the process of blogging.  We are still Trying to  get this thing set up, as there are several additional things that we would like to make available to you.  These tools will hopefully help you more effectively pray and follow us in our ministry to both the Dendi Pastors, as well as the nomadic Fulani.  Thanks once again for your patience